
Welcome To Cancerinfo

Welcome to Cancerinfo. This website caters to everyone and aims to give the reader a basic understanding of what cancer is, how it happens, risk factors, prevention, and early detection. It explains in some detail about different types of common cancers, their diagnosis and treatment options.

Why you need to know about cancer?

Cancer is the disease of the 21st century. According to recent ‘Globocan 2018’ data, there were about 1 crore and eighty lakh new patients who had cancer in 2018. About 50% of these new cancer diagnoses were in Asia. It is estimated that about 20% of men and about 16% of women around the world will develop a cancer in their lifetime. For people in the Western world, the estimates for the risk of getting cancer is higher.


More than 90% of patients are cured from bowel cancer when it is spotted at the earliest stage, but unfortunately less than 10% of patients with bowel cancer are diagnosed at this stage. See the section on screening for information on how to detect cancer early.

Cancer survival has increased dramatically over the last 30 years due to better diagnosis, better drugs, more advanced treatments, and early detection of cancer.

Cancer incidence in India is rising at an alarming rate and prevention is better than cure. See the section on prevention to reduce your risk of getting cancer.

A lot of cancers are curable, and those that are not can be controlled. Living with cancer these days is like living with other medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

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Welcome to Cancerinfo

Welcome to Cancerinfo. This website caters to everyone and aims to give the reader a basic understanding of what cancer is, how it happens, risk factors, prevention, and early detection. It explains in some detail about different types of common cancers, their diagnosis and treatment options.

why need to know about cancer
Why do you need to know about cancer

Cancer is the disease of the 21st century. According to recent ‘Globocan 2018’ data, there were about 1 crore and eighty lakh new patients who had cancer in 2018. About 50% of these new cancer diagnoses were in Asia. It is estimated that about 20% of men and about 16% of women around the world will develop a cancer in their lifetime. For people in the Western world, the estimates for the risk of getting cancer is higher.

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More than 90% of patients are cured from bowel cancer when it is spotted at the earliest stage, but unfortunately less than 10% of patients with bowel cancer are diagnosed at this stage.See the section on screening for information on how to detect cancer early.

Cancer survival has increased dramatically over the last 30 years due to better diagnosis, better drugs, more advanced treatments and early detection of cancer.

Cancer incidence in India is rising at an alarming rate and prevention is better than cure. See the section on prevention to reduce your risk of getting cancer.

A lot of cancers are curable, and those that are not, can be controlled. Living with cancer these days is like living with other medical conditions like diabetes or heart disease.

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Welcome To Cancerinfo

Welcome to Cancerinfo. This website caters to everyone and aims to give the reader a basic

Why you need to know about cancer

Cancer is the disease of the 21st century. According to recent ‘Globocan 2018’ data,

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Cancer is a disease when cells change and grow without control


Cancer can be of many types. Listed here…


Cancer has many causes. Its development is usually a multistep process and one or more causes take it from one step to the other.

Cancer Prevention

Cancers develop due to many factors. Usually it is a mixture of these that leads to its development


Screening for Cancer is a process where tests are performed periodically in normal people to look for the presence of cancer or precancerous conditions that could lead to cancer.


Once a cancer is suspected, tests are needed that will confirm or refute the suspicion. The following tests can be done to help in the diagnosis of cancer.


Once a cancer diagnosis is made and tests are done to get a stage for the cancer, a treatment plan is made by the treating Oncologist.In a good cancer centre or cancer department


Palliative Care is a branch of medicine that specialises in providing and improving quality of life of patients and their families facing the problems associated with life threatening illnesses.

Cancer News

Stereotactic Radiosurgery better than whole brain Radiotherapy

Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) may be a better treatment option than whole brain radiotherapy in patients Read More

HPV Vaccine shown to significantly reduce risk of Cervical Cancer

A study from the Karolinska Institute in Sweden has shown that quadrivalent HPV vaccination (Gardasil) of young girls Read More

A Breath Test to diagnose Head and Neck Cancer

Research published in the British journal of cancer should that Australian scientists tested a method of analysis of breath Read More


An Oncologist is a doctor who specialises in treatment of cancer.



Having cancer is a life changing experience for most patients and their families.



Clinical trials are medical research studies done to enable doctors to find new and more effective tests, drugs and treatments.


Cancer Experiences

“If you would like to share an interesting cancer related story, please send it to us with a name and a photograph and we will be glad to post it on the site.”